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  • My store has now permanently closed. Thank you for an amazing 5 years! Please read below for details

⚠️Beware of Scammers & Impersonators!⚠️
I will never ask if you want to make a purchase and I do not participate in any Wizard101 fan ran Discords, including the official main Wizard101 Discord. Be advised, my discord profile does not have my Twitter, Twitch, and Youtube linked. I am only in a handful of discords that are slightly or remotely Wizard101 related or I am friends with the owner. I do not take orders via Discord, or any social media outside of answering questions on Twitter. This is the only place where I offer the cards. Places where I do discuss this site will always link to this site. I also do not accept orders via Paypal, or any Mobile Payment service such as CashApp, Zelle, Venmo, Whatsapp etc.

End of Sales

After nearly 5 years of reselling Kroger Cards & Bundles to prevent scalping, I decided now that I think it's time to close up shop for good. Ive had bits of trouble with reselling cards in the past, whether its charge backs or time constraints and Ill be honest, its stressful. Now that I'm at a different point in life, I want to focus all my time on my hobbies, friends, life, and my career. I reflected a lot during my vacation & I think now is the time to close up. I appreciate everyone's patience & I'm so happy to have helped so many people around the world. Ive seen orders from places Ive never heard of and have gotten so many heartwarming messages from fellow Wizards around the globe. Its been one hell of a ride, but all rides come to an end. I'm thankful to have helped thousands of people. Ive lately felt extremely disconnected to Wiz and I want to re-associate myself with good things again to love this game again. Its been rough. Lack of clarity, empty promises, the stress of the cards, and encountering a lot of really heinous people has made me hate this game. I hope with this permanent break, with re associating Wiz with better people such as my friend group Yand, my friend Beka & her guild, and cease of sales, I can actually love wiz again. Im sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused, but I appreciate everyone's patience throughout the years. My DMs will be closed on Twitter & I will no longer be taking orders.


What drove you to stop sales?

  • It's been stressful to keep up with sales of cards & my personal life. I much rather focus on that since I've been doing this for 5 years.

Were there any other driving forces to stop sales?

  • One major factor for ending sales on here is the fact that I currently use Wix. Wix is an Israeli based company, which has caused some major controversy in terms of the on going conflicts in Hamas. It was tough to figure things out overtime after I was informed about this by some well informed friends, and this has brought me to the conclusion that I cannot support Wix anymore in this matter. Free Palestine.  Source: IRISHTIMES


I placed an order before you closed up shop. What will happen?

  • Orders that haven't been refunded will be fulfilled throughout the month of October. Latest should be October 24th.

Did Kingsisle/Gamigo force you to close?

  • Neither company has sent me a Cease & Desist on reselling Kroger/Bundle cards. This was my own choice. Some DEVs for Kingsisle were aware of what I do, but do not comment on it. If they had sent a C&D, I would respect the company's wishes, but in this case, they did not say anything or have a say in the matter.

Will you be taking any last minute orders?

  • I unfortunately will not.

What will happen to this website?

  • I will not renew the website, nor the URL. This will be the default page.


Will you ever sell Kroger cards & bundles again?

  • At this time, I will most likely not do this again. There's a small chance I may change my mind and use a different site, but for now, consider this a prolonged hiatus for the unforeseeable future.

This site and everything else I do that pertain to this site is not affiliated with Kingsisle Entertainment or Gamigo in any way shape or form and does not reflect the views of the respective companies mentioned. This site was created by myself, Alexander Lionheart a.k.a. AlexA_Lionheart on Twitter as a way to easily sort and purchase the special Kroger cards that are scarcely available in the United States and around the world. I simply made this site to make it easier for me to sort and organize through people who wish to obtain a card. I have made purchases for people on Twitter and for others. I am in no way using this site as a way to profit off of people or Kingsisle Entertainment or Gamigo, I am simply helping those that cannot easily access these cards.

If you redeem a card but it wasn't the jewel you wanted, I am not responsible. The description of the jewel given above may not be accurate. It is your responsibility to ensure that it is 100% what you wanted. I have the right to refuse service to anyone.



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