- Some Bundles that were available on the Wizard101 website are no longer available, but still available through gamestop. I have added these to my store
- I will be out of town Sept 26th-Sept 30th.
Question? Direct Message me on my Twitter. (Last Updated 8/22/24)
⚠️Beware of Scammers & Impersonators!⚠️
I will never ask if you want to make a purchase and I do not participate in any Wizard101 fan ran Discords, including the official main Wizard101 Discord. Be advised, my discord profile does not have my Twitter, Twitch, and Youtube linked. I am only in a handful of discords that are slightly or remotely Wizard101 related or I am friends with the owner. I do not take orders via Discord, or any social media outside of answering questions on Twitter. This is the only place where I offer the cards. Places where I do discuss this site will always link to this site. I also do not accept orders via Paypal, or any Mobile Payment service such as CashApp, Zelle, Venmo, Whatsapp etc.
$20 Cards by Date Redeemed*
January - Sinking Feeling Amethyst (Queen Calypso card) + Storm-Giver
February - Melting Point Ruby (MC Incindiate) + Armor Piercer
March - Lifesaver Jade (MC Pigsie) + Outgoing Heal
April - (MC Mass Feint) + Pain-Bringer
May - (Keeper of the Flame card) + Myth-Giver
June - Chi-Focused Citrine (MC Dragonlance) + Pip Boost
July - Undauntable Opal (MC Brace) + Spell-Defy
August - (MC Incindiate) + Armor Piercer
September - (MC Pigsie) + Outgoing Heal
October - (MC Mass Feint) + Pain-Bringer
November - (Angry Snowpigs Card) + Ice-Giver
December - Sinking Feeling Amethyst (Queen Calypso card) + Storm-Giver
*Cards can change at any time
$10 Cards by Date Redeemed*
January - High Voltage Amethyst (Maycast Wildbolt) + Critical Hitter
February - Fire & Brimstone Ruby (Brimstone Revenant Card) + Fire-Giver
March - Hard Life Jade (Luminous Weaver Card) + Life-Giver
April - Dire Omen Onyx (Headless Horseman Card) + Death-Giver
May - Twist of Fate Peridot (Maycast Disjunction) + Sharp-Eye
June - Ninjitsu Citrine (Ninja Piglets Card) + Balance-Giver
July - Miasma Opal (Maycast Enfeeble) + Weakness Card
August - Fire & Brimstone Ruby (Brimstone Revenant Card) + Fire-Giver
September - Hard Life Jade (Luminous Weaver Card) + Life-Giver
October - Dire Omen Onyx (Headless Horseman Card) + Death-Giver
November - Frozen Solid Sapphire (Maycast Mass Tower shield) + Blocker
December - High Voltage Amethyst (Maycast Wildbolt) + Critical Hitter
*Cards can change at any time
Kroger (Also Safeway or Albertson Company) cards are special Wizard101 pre-paid cards that contain a very unique Pet Jewel that gives stats AND a unique Maycast talent for your pet (for most jewels). These jewels are unsocketable for infinite uses to put on other pets of your choice. These cards are not easily accessible to most people, so I have created this website so that people may easily purchase cards from me as I have access to them. I only make purchases twice a week so there may be delays. I send the codes via Twitter DMs or Emails ONLY. If you plan to make a purchase, please be sure to put your Twitter or Email username in the notes so that I can keep track of who to send the codes to.
You may purchases multiple cards at once from me, just send a correct unit of price per amount of card, Ex. $48 USD for 2 $20 cards, $72 USD for 3 $20 cards, etc..
If you have any questions, please message me on my "Twitter @AlexA_Lionheart"
Why do you charge $4 USD extra?
This cost is to cover gas and taxes that I have to pay at the end of the year as my sales tend to exceed the tax threshold for the US. I have to pay taxes at the end of each year, which sometimes goes in the thousands or tens of thousands and that money goes towards that
I'm scared that a chargeback could occur and get my account banned.
With the ongoing occurrence of bans due to malicious gift certificates, I will never cause or give the thought of malicious intent with these codes. These codes are obtained physically in a store, and all sales within store policy to all the stores I go to are final. I cannot refund these codes, I cannot alter these codes, I cannot chargeback these codes whatsoever no matter how hard I may try. All sales are final to those store's policies and I must follow and respect those policies. Once the unscratched code goes through that checkout scanner and the transaction goes through, I cannot give the gift card back, I cannot charge the gift card back, I cannot do anything after that (not even after a second after my transaction's approved). I hope to always maintain an integrity that I've built up with hundreds of thousands of players of a game we all enjoy and I also respect the trust & integrity that has been given to me throughout the years of doing this and would never dare try to disrespect that.
Why is it taking longer to pick up a card than before?
I have to maintain a balance between my career working full-time, housework, errands, and spending time with friends or family. This is mainly something I do on the side to help everyone out as much as I can, and it can get very exhausting. Stores also have limits on purchases here in Nevada compared to California, and that can cut into my time and pickups on cards as I either have to wait till the next day, or drive to another store to pick up the cards.
Are you affiliated with or work for Kingsisle or Gamigo?
This site and everything I, Alexander, do is in no way shape and form affiliated with, and does not reflect the views of Kingsisle Entertainment or Gamigo. This site is my own creation and I have made this to help those obtain these cards that are normally not accessible elsewhere in the US or where ever you are located. I do not represent Kingsisle, Gamigo, its workers, etcs.
Where is my code?
If I had emailed it to you, check your spam folder, codes have been commonly sent to there.
I got a Kroger code emailed by you, but the jewel is different from the one I want in the upcoming months.
The jewels are based on time redeemed, not time bought. You must redeem your code during the month of the jewel that you want. Check the Wizard101 Website or this list on Stars of the Spiral for information on future jewels.
If I buy a card in September, and redeem it in December, do I still get the September jewel?
Your jewel will only be determined based on the month redeemed, not month bought. So in this case, redeeming it gives you the December Jewel.
Do you also accept Paypal, CashApp, Zelle, ApplyPay, or Venmo?
I do not. Using either would make me unorganized.
Do you have a card on you at this moment?
I pick them up as people order them multiple times a week in bulk for current orders. I usually do not have them on file
Can I get a card and redeem it later?
Yes you may. The card is your property as you bought it yourself. Do what you wish with it.
Why do you sell bundles when I can just buy them myself at Gamestop?
This is meant as a service for International players that do not have access to such places.
Do you have any $10 or $20 Kroger cards left?
I have a large supply at my disposal as Nevada has a plethora of Gamestops, Albertsons and Vons around me. I will most likely never run out.
I'd much rather buy these cards on my own at the store, where can you buy these?
These cards are available physically and digitally through Gamestop and Gamestop's Website. These cards are also available at local Kroger stores throughout the United States, but are also available at Safeways. Safeways tend to be Albertsons, Pavillions, or Vons as an example. Check the Safeway or Albertson Company website for details on other store branches that may be near you. You can also find these as your local Gamestop or the Gamestop website.
Why aren't the cards instant like when I buy on the Wizard101 Website?
I have to wait for the payout and physically drive to these stores to purchase the cards. I also have to put the time in to buy them as I work late full time shifts, typically between 3pm to 2am so it can get exhausting for me. I apologize for delays
Will my code work in other Wizard101 Servers?
They will only work for the main Wizard101 U.S. Server.
Do you accept refunds?
There are no refunds unless I cannot provide you with the card purchased, in that case a full refund is given. Please be certain when buying a card. If you change your mind it only hurts me in the process as I cannot get paid out that day to pick up other's cards.
My code says Invalid code, what's wrong?
You may have to swap the letter O with the number 0 in most cases. If you're still having trouble I still keep all the cards I pick up on file with your name on it so that if I did make a mistake, I'll resend you the correct code. I never throw cards away.
Is this a scam? Are you profiting off this?
I gain little to no benefit from this, and I am not scamming anyone. I have made purchases for people before many many times and all have been satisfied and got their code. I charge a flat amount (+fees) as that is how much each card is. You do not ever have to pay any extra, I merely do this to help everyone obtain these hard to get cards. Tips are your own choice but I do not condone it nor is it required. Tips are the only time where I benefit. The extra money that wasn't used on gas goes towards filing taxes at the end of the year. My goal is merely to help everyone get sought cards.
Don't see your currency? Tweet me @ Twitter @AlexA_Lionheart so that I may add yours. This is merely just for convenience, and you should still be able to buy a card even if your currency doesn't show up in the box on the right.
All prices are in $USD
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We don’t have any products to show here right now.
$20 July Jewel
2 Month Membership or 10,000 Crowns
1 Energy Elixir

$10 July Jewel
1 month membership or 5000 crowns
1 energy elixir

This service is meant MAINLY FOR international players that do not have access to purchasing bundles from places such as Gamestop. This is also meant as a way to not get extremely overcharged from places like Ebay or Amazon. If you are a player that resides in the United States, please do not buy these from me, and instead use Gamestop's website to purchase these bundles. Sorry for any delays. Certain bundles are available on Wizard101's website. They are not available on here but available on their website for purchase. If you don't see a bundle you want on here, check on the Wizard101 website, it may be available there.